Membership InformationROPS Board Meetings

July 8th – School Board Highlights

Board Highlights July 8,  6 pm

  • Chrome Books will be replaced in  schools
  • ROMS and ROHS will be getting additional water bottle filler stations 

Kathy Abela Highlighted the followin

  • State budget Governor is set to sign on Monday 
  •  Foundation allowance will be a minimum of $ 8700 across the state.  
  •  Investigating how this will affect Hold Harmless districts such as RO
  •  Funding  increased for  GSRP    Great Start Readiness Preschool They will get the full foundation allowance 
  • 51 F (special education) increased by 3%
  • Reminder ESSER funds  ( elementary and secondary emergency relief funds ) operated as grant money -one time use


  • Upton:  
    • Work on the addition, lockers have been removed,new kitchen,new boiler and gym
  • Addams:
    • lockers, classroom work has started and new boilers installed

Human Resources 

  • K enrollment is now at 400, 50 students are school of choice. (Last fall was 410)
  • DK is 52. 4 students are school of choice
  • Interviews to the Director of Athletics and Activities and the assistant principal will begin this week
  • Congratulations to Danielle Truesdall New Director of the Early Childhood Center

Public Comment

  • Parents were happy with summer school options, especially having 5th grade at ROMS
  • Grateful for PRIDE celebrations

School Board Resolution 

  • The Royal Oak School board of Education read a resolution about board responsibilities.   This will be posted on the web site 

Whereas, the Royal Oak Schools Board of Education believes that within effective school systems, the Superintendent and the Board function as a Board Team.” A structured approach to developing a vision for the District and setting goals is enhanced by first developing a system of standard operating procedures; and

Whereas, the School Board is the corporate policy making body for the District and the Superintendent and staff provide the leadership to cause board policies to be implemented. Therefore, the Royal Oak Schools Board of Trustees and Superintendent function as a Board Team” to provide open communication to the stakeholders of the District; and Whereas, this handbook provides the Board  procedures and principles for the benefit of current and future members of the Royal Oak Schools Board of Education. The Board of Education and Superintendent periodically review and discuss pertinent sections of the handbook to refresh their knowledge and practices. A significant component of new school board orientation is to become familiar with the procedures in this handbook; and Now, therefore be it resolved the Royal Oak Schools Board of Trustees adopts these guidelines as Standard Operating Procedures.