ROEA Representative Assembly – 11/24/2020
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 4pm
Held Virtually via Zoom
Those in attendance included: Mary Ann Campbell, Kara Daunt, Kristina Ellenberger, Kendra Beedle, Laura Foss, Ashley Moore, Mallory Greenway, Jason Palazollo, Kerry Derminer, Debbie Taylor, Melissa Wienclaw, Grat Dalton, Erin Shaughnessy, Karen Christian, Matt Gonzales, Kelli Bracken, David Weeks
This meeting was called to order at: 4:02
- Reports –
- Secretary – Erin Shaughnessy
- Kerry Derminer made a motion to accept the minutes. Debbie Taylor seconded the motion. All in favor. Minutes were approved.
- Treasurer – Kerry Derminer
- Accepted as presented.
- Executive Vice President – Mary Ann Campbell
- Class size relief was submitted Semester 1
- CSR form for ROMS was sent out for Q2
- If class sizes go over after
- Program Vice President – Ashleigh Adamic
- Ashleigh sent emails to retirees to ask for their address.
- Ashleigh will be sending out emails to those who offered to deliver gifts.
- Any thoughts on the mid-year party – given that everything is shut down? Email Ashleigh with any ideas.
- Membership-
- More welcome bags were sent out
- PAC Report – Kelli Bracken
- It does not appear that MEA president is not happy with the governor’s recent decision. Indicated that she would like to see virtual learning pushed for all grade levels.
- An NEA member will be in the White House!
- MEA Delegates – Matt Gonzales/Kim Stanley
- Potential Members Town Hall Thursday, December 10 at 7:00 PM via Zoom – See attached flyer
- MEA Scholarship Due February 18, 2021 – See attached flyer
- Winter conference will be help virtually the week of February 1st- February 6th
- Open and free to all members in good standing
- ARs Report –
- Northwood
- Is there any more discussion/mediation being had about changes to the hybrid model? We seem to discuss these issues when they are imminent and then they go on the back burner when our in-person date gets pushed back. The current model can be improved as it does not make much sense for elementary teachers and their students.
- These issues are being discussed
- Keller
- Concern about specials being asked to put together packets, “other duties as assigned”, caseloads/workload inequities
- Member is being asked to email Grat directly so that we can get a better idea of concern
- Concern about specials being asked to put together packets, “other duties as assigned”, caseloads/workload inequities
- Is there any more discussion/mediation being had about changes to the hybrid model? We seem to discuss these issues when they are imminent and then they go on the back burner when our in-person date gets pushed back. The current model can be improved as it does not make much sense for elementary teachers and their students.
- Northwood
- Directors’ Report – Karen Christian/Jennifer Kocis/Derek Miller
Elementary: Meeting was canceled for November because no issues were brought up. Karen received issues after the meeting was canceled. Still working to establish regular meeting dates.
- Executive Director – Grat Dalton
- MEA is looking into tracking MIOSHA complaints
- Grat attended three different conferences on HVAC systems
- New hire OBUMS receive a phone call from Grat, an email and they are on the “Hustle” list
- MEA is looking into tracking MIOSHA complaints
- Interim President – Mary Ann Campbell
- Mary Beth approached the Board about hiring more Social Workers within the district
- The Board approved ROEA President’s release time
- Mary Ann will be ROEA President through spring and then will have to run to fill out the rest of Tim’s term.
- Old Business
- Buildings need to hold AR (2 yr positions) and BFC nominations/elections- I’d like to update our list so we aren’t guessing each spring! Please update
- Hazard Pay: Concern about Preschool and post secondary not being included. Letter writing campaign happening. Mary Ann will send information to ROEA membership.
- New Business
- Elections
- We currently have a vacancy for Vice President. Karen Christian made a motion to appoint Kerry Derminer to the position of executive vice president. Debbie Taylor seconded. Discussion: None. Motion carries. Kerry Derminer is appointed as new Executive Vice President of the ROEA.
- New vacancy for ROEA Treasurer:
- This position can be filled by appointment from the president.
- Gift for exiting Royal Oak Schools Board Members:
- Kara Daunt made a motion to donate $300 total on behalf of the ROEA in honor of the outgoing board members to Royal Oak Youth Assistance. Debbie Taylor seconded. Discussion: Kerry indicating that the money would come from Union Promotion. Motion passes.
- Elections
- Announcements
- None
This meeting was adjourned at: 4:55