Membership Meetings

ROEA Representative Assembly – 2/23/21

Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 4pm
Held Virtually via Zoom

Those in attendance included: Erin Shaughnessy, Mary Ann Campbell, Kerry Derminer, Kim Stanley, Jennifer
Kocis, Alicia Linderman, Andrea Kirkwood, Ashley Moore, David Weeks, Jason Palazzolo, Jeanette McLeod,
Jennifer Kocis, Kara Daunt, Karen Christian, Kelli Bracken, Kristina Ellenberger, Laura Foss, Mallory
Greenway, Matt Gonzales, Steve Chisnell, Ashleigh Adamic, Elke Gutherie, Grat Dalton
This meeting was called to order at: 4:06

  1. Reports –
    A. Secretary – Erin Shaughnessy
  2. ROEA RA Meeting Minutes 1/26/2021
    a) Kerry made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Kim seconded. All in
    favor. Minutes accepted as presented.
    B. Treasurer –Kerry Derminer
  3. ROEA Treasurer report 1/26/2021
    a) Report accepted as presented.
    C. Contract Corner
  4. Presented by Kerry Derminer and Kim Stanley
    a. Communication with Members
    i. See presentation above
    D. Election Committee nominations from the floor and presentation of slate –
    Presented by Ashleigh Adamic
  5. Slate:
    a. Office of President:
    i. Mary Ann Campbell is nominated.
    ii. No other nominations
    iii. Nominations are closed
    b. Office of Executive Vice President:
    i. Kerry Derminer is nominated.
    ii. No other nominations
    iii. Nominations are closed
    c. Office of MEA Delegate
    i. Two Open positions:
    ii. Kim Stanley is nominated.
    iii. Matt Gonzales is nominated.
    iv. No other nominations
    v. Nominations are closed
    d. Office of Elementary Director:
    i. Karen Christian is nominated.
    ii. No other nominations
    iii. Nominations are closed
    e. Office of Treasurer:
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
    Communication Tool for ARs break out room facilitated by Matt
    This meeting was adjourned at: 5:29
    Future Meeting Dates –
    March 23rd
    April 27th
    May 25th